Category: Uncategorized


I’m no particular fan of Henry Blodget but he’s clearly articulate and smart, savvy even. I wouldn’t go all gaga just yet a la motley fool and have him advise on my portfolio—if indeed he’s…

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Google io

Google I/O  innovate in the open consensus model… not monopolization Client — Connectivity — Cloud ——————————— mainframe –> pc —> web power –> weak –> power easy deploy —> hard deploy —> easy deploy.


Apparently, Mark Templeton, the CEO of Citrix, is considered a credible advisor to organizations considering the move to Service Oriented application infrastructure and a bright future of innovation and efficiency that IT can bring to business. I really…

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Use a dictionary to count the number of hits by hostname from a proxy log file, where the 7th tab delimited entry per line is the host. KeyError is the exception thrown if a dictionary…

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